With the holiday travel season approaching, we would like to encourage SMPH faculty and staff to consult with the SMPH IIT User Support Service Team prior to traveling internationally with their managed device. This will …
Year: 2024
Q+A with Business Relationship Manager Philip Doll
Explore the evolving role of Business Relationship Managers (BRMs) at SMPH, as they connect IT solutions with departmental needs and build strategic partnerships. Read this Q+A with BRM Philip Doll on his new role, vision and insights.
July project update for Informatics and IT Collaborative
Don’t miss the IT Ice Cream Social on August 15th and remember, performance evaluations are due August 19th.
Federal funds awarded for biohealth, with UW–Madison leading the way
The U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) has announced $49 million in Phase 2 funding for the Wisconsin Biohealth Tech Hub, an initiative to drive medical innovation, workforce development, and job growth across Wisconsin. As part of this, the Wisconsin Health Data Hub, led by SMPH researchers, will create a secure, accessible, and inclusive health data ecosystem. The hub will provide research-ready, responsibly sourced data, enabling scientists and biohealth companies to conduct vital research and optimize treatments.
June project update for Informatics and IT Collaborative
Two IIT team members were honored with prestigious awards at the 2024 IT Recognition Awards, and a Q+A session was held with Research Data Services Director Gabe McMahan. Open recruitments include positions for an Academic Application Administrator and a User Support Specialist III, with applications accepted until June 30th.
Q+A with Research Data Services Director Gabe McMahan
Research Data Services at SMPH integrates multiple data teams to streamline data access, enhance efficiency, and support researchers’ evolving needs. Gabe McMahan discusses his vision for unifying these teams and modernizing data services to provide a seamless research experience.
Celebrating Award-Winning Colleagues!
Congratulations to two IIT team members, Amy Diestler and Tyler Schultz, who have been honored with prestigious awards at the 2024 IT Recognition Awards.
Q+A with Service Line Directors Adam Halstead and Chad Craighill
In this Q+A with Application Development Service Line Co-Directors, Adam Halstead and Chad Craighill, share their separate goals for the two branches of this service line.
May project update for Informatics and IT Collaborative
May’s large-scale reporting structure change marked a major milestone in the IITC project. Several of the key projects included in the IITC, such as the ITSM “Navigator” project are ongoing.
April project update for Informatics and IT Collaborative
April brought clarification around the upcoming service line transition and confirmed Atlassian as the choice for the ITSM Project. The upcoming transition into service lines on May 5th marks the last large-scale reporting structure change planned as part of IITC.