SMPH Room Reservations

WHAT IS HAPPENING IN:     HSLC           CSC          MFCB          WIMR          WARF          SMPH EVENTS

SMPH Room Reservations manages the School of Medicine and Public Health (SMPH) online room reservation system (EMS).  The system provides online, centralized access for faculty, staff, and students and UW Health employees to search and submit room reservations in Health Sciences Learning Center (HSLC), Clinical Sciences Center (CSC), Medical Foundation Centennial Building (MFCB),  Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WIMR), and Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF), plus other departmental specific spaces for in-person learning, meeting, and collaborating.

This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

LOG IN to make or edit a reservation

BEFORE YOU CAN LOG IN THE FIRST TIME!  Your online account must be fully activated by the SMPH Room Reservations office before you can access the SMPH online system and you must have access to the SMPH room templates.

Don’t have an account yet?  **Click the tab below How do I Get an Online Reservations Account Activated?


Log-in to activated reservation accounts for NETID** for campus staff and students: Log In with your NetID Here

Log-in to activated AFFILIATE reservations accounts for UW or campus affiliate addresses: Log In with your campus Affiliate email address

**NetID’s are automatically uploaded from the UW system in online system and you may be listed as “pending.” Do not “request an account” as the online reservation system will not recognize this as a “new” request. Follow the instructions below to Activate My Online Reservations Account? below on tab #2

How Do I Get an Online Reservations Account Activated?

Your account must be manually activated by the SMPH Room Reservations staff.  Here’s how below depending on if you want to log in using your NetID or will be using a email address.

UW Health employees with addresses or non-NetID email addresses: Click the following link for a guest account creation – fill in the information and submit to get an affiliate account.

UW Madison NetID campus staff/students:*NetID’s are automatically uploaded from the UW system in EMS and you may be listed as “pending.” Do not “request an account” as EMS will not recognize this as a “new” request. Follow the instructions below to Activate Your Account.   Email the information requested below to our office at:

  • Email:
  • First and Last Name:
  • NetID (this is usually some combination of your last name or part of your email address)
  • Phone Number (in case of reservation issues):
  • Are you a UW campus employee or a student:
  • What SMPH department are you with?
  • What building is your office or departmental office located in?
  • Your reason for Requesting Access:

Once your account is activated by the Room Reservations staff, you will receive a confirmation email with the instructions attached.  Allow a bit of time for these to be processed.

If you require changes to your account, are leaving employment, retiring, switched departments, or want to clean up your group, email our staff with all the relevant changes and we will update your account on the administrative side to the SMPH Room Reservations Department:

What is the Online Room Reservation System?

The medical campus online reservation system, Event Management System (EMS), is hosted by the UW Department of Information Technology (DoIT) and managed by the SMPH Room Reservations group.  The SMPH Room Room Reservations Office hours are Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

This platform is a centralized portal for SMPH and UW Health faculty, staff, and students to access and reserve instructional, meeting, and event space within the medical school campus. The rooms in the system are primarily lecture halls, conference and meeting rooms, and study spaces.  This includes the Health Sciences Learning Center (HSLC), Clinical Sciences Center (CSC), Medical Foundation Centennial Building (MFCB), and Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WIMR), among other spaces in our system.

Depending on your position and department you will have access to a variety of instructional, study, training, meeting, or other event spaces and equipment/furniture. With the system’s tools and functionality you can search for specific features (room configurations, locations, technology, sizes, etc) reserve individual meetings, as well as recurring and even a varied series of reservations. This includes the ongoing ability to access and review current and former reservations, make edits/cancellations to upcoming event details, and reserve certain furniture or event equipment you may need.

With hundreds of rooms included within this centralized system, standard requests for space should be properly submitted via a fully activated user account. General requests submitted via email will not be processed. Please see instructions on account activation, and special request procedures outlined within the other tabs.

The Room Reservations office also coordinates the EMS system separately for specific SMPH departmental spaces under MOUs, including the Surgery Department, Wisconsin Psychiatric Institute and Clinics.

Questions? Contact the Room Reservations staff:

Guidelines and Policies

When Can I Make a Room Reservation?

Academic/timetable courses and the academic mission of the school is SMPH’s priority and is reflected in our Room Reservation Guidelines. Therefore access to the online schedules are released by the semester and not annually and based on the medical school’s course schedule. Please review the order of prioritization outlined within the Room Reservation Guidelines for clarification.

If you are attempting to request space further out than the current semester and the system appears to have an error, it is likely that the schedule is not open for general access yet. Many access schedules can be found by clicking the “about” button next to the specific template you’re considering once logged into your online reservation account.

HSLC’s semester booking template, specifically, due the Medical Education Office schedule, is often not open for general booking until approximately three months prior to the start of the next semester.  Fall template opens approximately around early June.  Spring template opens approximately around early October.  Summer template opens approximately around early March.

Questions? Contact the Room Reservations staff:

Instructions for Using the Online Reservation System (EMS)

Reservation Best Practices at SMPH

  1. Before utilizing an SMPH managed space, reserve the space via the online Room Reservation System or a display tablet at the room.
  2. When booking a reservation, include setup time for arriving/prepping and cleanup/exiting time.
  3. The Confirmation email you receive will have the details for the reservation.  Double check this for accuracy and keep it as a reference should there be a discrepancy upon arriving to your space.
  4. Only occupy the space during the time of your reservation, including setup/clean up time (see item #2).
  5. Respect the group prior to yours and do not disturb until the start of your reservation time.  If they are still in the space at your start time, knock and ask respectfully when they will be finished; usually they are just wrapping up.  If they believe the space is theirs, reference your Confirmation email and ask them to reference theirs to double check. No double bookings can occur in the online system.
  6. Exit by the end of your reservation time allowing time for cleanup of food, materials, return of reserved portable equipment to CAVS, and wiping soiled tables.
  7. Double check the time listed on your reservation to ensure you have what you need, including AM/PM accuracy. We regularly get lunch hour meetings scheduled at midnight.
  8. Clearly communicate start/end times and guidelines with anyone you’re coordinating reservations for, so all are in the loop.

Questions? Contact the Room Reservations staff:

Moveable Equipment and Furniture Requests for HSLC

HSLC Lecture halls and meeting room come with standard AV equipment managed by the Classroom and AV Services (CAVS) office.  To see what is included in an HSLC room, log into the online room reservation system and under the templates you are provided select the building template.  The list of rooms are hyperlinked to the room’s features, including pictures and a list of all the equipment. There you can check to make sure you have what you need.

Should you need something else, visit the Moveable Equipment/Furniture template in your online account. If you can’t see it, scroll down a bit.

picture of moveable equipment and furniture template in EMS

Extra moveable furniture and equipment not provided in HSLC standard room equipment can include items such as  extra tables to serve food on, or to host a blood drive with, or display posters, or to have extra trash cans for a large meal service.  Classroom and AV Services can provide five (6-foot-by-3-foot) tables, 35 chairs, 40 poster boards and five dry erase announcement boards. Push pins are not provided with the poster boards.  **POSTER BOARDS DO NOT LEAVE HSLC.

After you log in, under the Reservations templates, choose the ‘Moveable Equipment/Furniture Reservations’ template.  Click book now.  Select the dates and times.  Click Search.   A list of equipment not already reserved that day will appear.  To reserve an item, click the green plus arrow.  Continue selecting additional equipment and then select Next Steps and reserve as you would a room.

Equipment and furniture reservations are automatically confirmed and are not reviewed by staff.

All extra tables, chairs, etc…should be picked up and returned by you to the Classroom and AV Services (CAVS) office in 1240 HSLC (near the UW Bookstore in HSLC just past the coffee stand) during normal business hours.  If you have questions about the equipment, reach out to the Classroom and AV Services office –

If you need more tables and chairs than what HSLC can provide you can rent more tables and chairs through Physical Plant Campus Services or by calling 608-263-3333. This service is provided at a fee.  You will need a “D” number, so contact your financial specialist prior to calling them to schedule.  Please note that along the north and south sides of the atrium are corridors that should be kept clear.

Tables and Chairs Rental from Outside Vendors: There are also companies who have purchasing contracts with UW campus for table and chair rental.  Visit UW Business Services website for more information about renting tables and chairs from outside vendors:

HSLC Atrium

The HSLC Atrium requires a separate request form to be submitted for review and approval. 

HSLC Atrium Guidelines: HSLC Atrium Reservation Guidelines

Atrium Standard Setup: Atrium Setup

1.)  First Check the HSLC 6 month Calendar to See if it May Be in Use: HSLC 6 month calendar 

2.) Then check with Room Reservations to see if there are any tentative holds not confirmed yet on the calendar.

3.) Request Atrium Using the Request Form: HSLC Atrium Use Request Form

4.) Receive Confirmation that the Atrium is Reserved for Your Event. 

5.) Reserve Equipment:  Standard furniture in the Atrium can be utilized as part of your event, but must be returned by you per the standard set up.  You may need additional tables, chairs, announcement boards, poster boards and other items. Classroom and AV Services (CAVS) can provide five (6-foot-by-3-foot) tables, 35 chairs, 40 poster boards and five announcement boards. Users are responsible for picking these up and returning them to storage in 1240 HSLC.  Reserve these online in your room reservations account using the Moveable Equipment and Furniture template.

You may also need furniture in the Atrium moved or more furniture than HSLC has to borrow. Feel free to move furniture as you wish.  If you need assistance moving furniture, or to rent more tables and chairs contact Physical Plant Campus Services or call 608-263-3333. This service is provided for a fee.  You will need a “D” number, so contact your financial specialist prior to calling them to schedule.  Please note that along the north and south sides of the atrium are corridors that should be kept clear.

Tables and Chairs Rental from Outside Vendors: There are also companies who have purchasing contracts with UW campus for tables and chairs rental.  Visit UW Business Services website for more information about renting tables and chairs from outside vendors:

AV Support:  Our AV staff are available for technology support as-needed, but will not be dedicated to any one event as it is a small group supporting various buildings and several hundred rooms. Your group is encouraged to do a test run of the technology or ask any questions regarding training in advance of your event in order for you to function as autonomously as possible.

At the conclusion of your event it is your responsibility to return the Atrium to the standard Atrium Setup in a timely manner.

Extra trash cans can be provided upon request by contacting Classroom and AV Services at 608-261-1934 or

FOOD SERVICE: For more information about food in HSLC, see below in the “Food in HSLC” section.

Images for possible Atrium event configurations:


Questions? Contact the Room Reservations staff:

Interactive Learning Center (ILC)

The Interactive Learning Center (ILC) is booked directly through the Medical Education Office (MEO).  Audiovisual and classroom services support for the ILC is available beginning at 7:30 a.m. Monday-Friday.  If your event spills outside these days/hours, no AV support or wall moves will occur.  Request form link below.

Interactive Learning Center Guidelines

For further information not answered below, contact

The Interactive Learning Center (ILC) in the Health Sciences Learning Center is a flexible learning space comprised of four separate quadrants from 3110A through 3110D, each with its own independent A/V system, tabling, chairs, and whiteboards. You can reserve the space in a variety of configurations outlined within the ILC use request form.

Audio Visual support for the ILC are limited to staffing hours of 7 AM – 5 PM Monday –  Friday. A helpful user’s guide is posted in each quadrant for your convenience outside of those hours. There is also a tables/chairs diagram for you to reference when you return the room to its original layout after your event.

The available configurations include all quadrants combined; any quadrant singly; or the A&C, B&D, A&B, or C&D quadrants combined.

The A and C quadrants can seat 64 attendees each
The B and D quadrants can seat 96 attendees each
Going beyond these numbers requires additional quadrants, which will be automatically assigned until the 320-seat limit is reached. Let those capacities and the following map guide you as you fill out this form:

Requests for ILC quadrants must be submitted no later than four business days prior to the event.

The Classroom and A/V Services team will have the wall partitions between each room properly configured prior to the start time of the event. People using the room are allowed to move tables and chairs into any sort of configuration they desire. Please note that the tables are wired into floor boxes and can only move a foot or two in any direction before it becomes necessary to unplug them; we kindly ask you plug them back in when you are finished.

Extra tables, chairs, announcement boards, garbage cans, and the like can be reserved via your online reservations account.

Food and alcohol can be served in the ILC under special circumstances, the details of which are found at the bottom of the reservation form. Users must leave their quadrants in a clean and tidy condition when they’re done using them, absent of all garbage; failure to do so will result in you and/or your department getting billed by the SMPH for cleaning and resetting time.

To reserve the ILC, fill out and submit this form below to the Medical Education Office (MEO):

ILC Reservation Request Form

Image of ILC quadrant with tables and chairs in a classroom style set up

Image of ILC 1 quadrant set in table groupings

Image of ILC 4 quadrants set in lecture/theater format

Image of ILC setup with tables and chairs facing forward.

Image of ILC 4 quadrants with tables and chairs facing  forward in a Workshop/Classroom format

Wichman Clinical Teaching and Assessment Center (CTAC)

The CTAC area is not managed or coordinated by the SMPH Room Reservations group. For more information or to request a reservation within the CTAC space please visit their website.

CTAC Website

CTAC Request an Event

Audio Visual and Technology in Reserved Rooms

SMPH Classroom and AV Services (CAVS)

CAVS Website

Phone: 608-261-1934


Location: 1240 HSLC (Near the University Bookstore)

Online Support Form

Our Team

Lecture Capture and Video Library

To request a lecture capture of your session, fill out the Lecture Capture Request Form:

More about Lecture Capture

More about Video Library

HSLC After Hours and Weekend Access

If you have a room reservation for an event that is planned outside of standard HSLC Building hours (see below):

Contact Access at least 1 week before your event (

If you arrive for your scheduled reservation during or outside business hours and the room has not yet been unlocked: Contact HSLC Building Security (608-262-3058) to unlock the door.  You can also reach them at  or Room 1375 HSLC. across from the University Book Store near the HSLC freight elevator.

Standard HSLC Building Hours
· Mon-Thurs: 6:30am-7pm
· Friday: 6:30am-5:30pm
· **Sat & Sun: WisCard badge access only
· Closed on Holidays

What is the Status of COVID in SMPH and UW Health Spaces (CSC)

UW Health Wisconsin masking requirement to change effective April 1, 2024 : Due to a reduction and stabilization in the number of COVID-19 and RSV cases and hospitalizations, UW Health Wisconsin will be adjusting its masking policies for its facilities. Starting April 1: all Wisconsin providers, staff, patients and visitors in all low-risk ambulatory clinics are no longer required to wear a mask; providers, staff, patients and visitors are still required to mask in all patient and procedure rooms, as well as waiting areas in the inpatient setting and high-risk ambulatory locations; and there are no changes to cafeteria areas or non-patient interaction spaces. More information available on U-Connect (requires UW Health login or VPN to access).

What if Your Reserved Space is Occupied When you Arrive?

SMPH meeting and conference rooms should be properly reserved through the online Room Reservation System, and include all times you or someone from your group will be present within the space, including setup and teardown. Once reserved, the person who submitted the request will receive a Confirmation email. Always double check the date, time, and location, including setup and tear down times, are listed accurately on the Confirmation email. You can also review this information within your online account under the “My Events” section.  Keep your confirmation email should a later reference be needed.

If you arrive and the room you have reserved is occupied, double check your reservation to confirm the date, time, and location using the Confirmation Email or the Building Schedule.  Many events occur consecutively on the schedule, but the online system will never allow for double booking of any location.

If your reservation time has started, please knock and ask if the other group will be finishing up soon because your group has reserved the space now.

If the group believes the space belongs to them, reference your Confirmation Email which can demonstrate the space belongs to your group.  Share the confirmation email with them and ask them to double check theirs.  The online system does not allow double bookings.

If the room is locked when you arrive please consult the resources listed on your building specific confirmation email for who to contact regarding access.

Questions? Contact the Room Reservations staff:

Food in HSLC and SMPH

Food is allowed in most spaces in HSLC.

Food in Lecture Halls: Food is allowed in the lecture halls, but we recommend serving food outside the lecture hall and therefore reserving the space directly outside the lecture hall or the Atrium. Let Room Reservations staff know your intentions in order to reserve the space outside the room for tables.

On-Campus Options for Food Service at HSLC: Wisconsin UnionUW Housing;  UW Health Catering in CSC:  Don’t forget the Union has a snack shop in the HSLC Atrium – Badger Market in HSLC (608-890-1964) – where coffee and snacks can be purchased by your attendees directly during open hours.

Water: You may need a water source for catering for your food service.  Pro planner tip:  Reserving 1203 HSLC in addition to your lecture hall or Atrium in order to access a sink with running water or to store catering carts and supplies out of plain view may be helpful to you.

Tidy up: Chances are another group is coming into the space soon after your group ends.  Wipe down tables and tidy up before vacating the space, as you would want done for your group. Plan ahead and bring some wipes and paper towels in your meeting supplies. Pro planner tip: bring a few wet soapy wash cloths from home in a zip lock bag and bring them out for cleanup.

Serving Tables:  Extra tables to serve food on are ordered through your online room reservation account using the Moveable Equipment and Furniture template.  Tables are picked up and returned by you to Classroom and AV Services (CAVS) office in 1240 HSLC.  If you require more tables than the CAVS inventory, you should order them through Facilities Planning and Management.  The Atrium should be returned to the standard Atrium Setup when the event concludes.

There are also companies who have purchasing contracts with UW campus for tables and chairs rental.  Visit UW Business Services website for more information about renting tables and chairs from outside vendors:

Garbage Cans: If you are serving boxed lunches or items that will produce quite a bit a garbage, there are (2) 55-gallon cans you can reserve through your online room reservations account through the Moveable Equipment and Furniture template.  Pick those up at the CAVS office at 1240 HSLC.  You can also request extra garbage bags through the CAVS office.  Classrooms typically have the smaller office type garbage cans and cannot handle a large load of trash from meals.  The HSLC atrium does have some permanent cans.  You can also request cans through Facilities and Planning Management (FP&M). Campus custodial service does not come through the space until after hours.

Food Delivery: Food Delivery from on or off campus caterers is best handled on the northeast side of HSLC in Parking Lot 74.  There is a 10 minute loading zone for deliveries. See the yellow circled area where the doors and a ramp are located.

Licensed Vendors: Food must be provided by a licensed food caterer or vendor.  Consider using a campus food service operations such as Housing and the Wisconsin Union.

Insurance: If you are providing food from an off-campus vendor, you must obtain a Certificate of Insurance or check to see if one is already on file at UW Risk Management office.  This must be filed or on file with the UW Office of Risk Management before the purchase order is issued or invoice paid. Forward the certificate of insurance to Risk Management at 21 N park St Ste 6214, Madison, WI 53715, or by fax to 608-262-9082 or 

SMPH Official Functions and Events Pre-Approval Form: If your SMPH event is an “official function”, a pre-approval form may be required.  An Official function and expense is a reasonable and moderate expenditure (excluding alcoholic beverages) directly associated with a university “official functions” that may have a social component but substantially advances or contributes to the university’s mission.  This may require a signature on a event SMPH Pre-Approval Form by the department delegated division business office executive.  See your division head for more guidance.

Some official function examples are:

  • Functions for parents of preregistering students.
  • Inauguration ceremony for a new chancellor.
  • Functions for graduating classes and their parents.
  • Functions for community leaders, prominent visitors, legislators, officials, or leaders of educational programs.
  • Functions for Board of Visitors or officials from other public or private institutions.
  • Functions related to the opening of new facilities and dedication ceremonies.
  • Functions for officially recognized student groups. Link to University Official Student Groups.
  • Recognition functions to honor distinguished faculty, staff, and students for significant, meritorious achievements.
  • Faculty, staff, and student recruitment events.
  • House hunting trip for faculty or staff (restricted to the employee and one spouse/significant other/companion).
  • Employee recognition and morale/team building events such as honoring an employee retiring or separating from the university with at least five years of service and annual holiday/general appreciation events.
  • Meal expenses associated with an official function up to $150.00 per person including alcohol expenses paid by the Wisconsin Foundation Alumni Association.

Campus Catering Policy:

Planning an Event on Campus and Per Diem Policy:

Food Safety and Licensing from EH&S:

Questions? Contact the Room Reservations staff:

Alcohol In HSLC Atrium

UW–Madison has an online system for alcohol beverage service permits. Alcohol Beverage Service Permits are required for alcohol service at all university events — both on and off campus — with exceptions for certain events as outlined in the UW–Madison-Specific Alcohol Beverage Regulations, Section II: 1-4. The permits are administered through University Health Services. Below is some information on the current alcohol permit system. SMPH Requires this permit in order to serve alcohol. More information on requesting a permit for an SMPH event:

Further questions about serving alcohol can be directed to Director of Signature Events, Traci Gaydos, ( in the SMPH Dean’s Office.

Lactation Rooms at SMPH and UW Health

Lactation rooms and “Lactation Friendly” locations are available in many UW–Madison and UW Health buildings to provide a welcoming environment for employees, learners, and guests. Such rooms provide private space where lactating individuals are welcome to pump or nurse. Most of these spaces are equipped with a comfortable chair, a small table and an electrical outlet. Each lactation room is operated by the building manager of the specific building. The following list summarizes information for several buildings on the western side of campus as of May 2022. Additional information is available through the UW–Madison Office of Child Care and Family Resources.

Lactation Rooms List:


UW Health/CSC Meeting Room Catalog

UW Health maintains a catalog of spaces for their employees to find a meeting space outside of the UW-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health medical school campus.

SMPH does not manage this site, but it might be useful to search on information at UW Health for meeting rooms.

UW Health Meeting Space Catalog

Online Room Calendar by Buildings (HSLC, CSC, MFCB, WIMR. WARF, WisPIC)

Facilities and Building Security

HSLC Security:

Health Science Learning Center, 750 Highland Ave, Room 1375

Office Phone: 608-262-3058   Dispatch Phone : 608-264-COPS



CSC Security: or 608-890-555 or E6/206 CSC


SMPH Facilities Team 

Director of Facilities: Mark Wells;, 608-262-7437

Facilities Associate Director: Jeremy Bussan,, 608-262-2817

Medical Science Center (MSC) Facilities Coordinator: Mike Sauk;, 608-262-8963

WIMR Facilities Manager: David Downing;, 608-261-1032

Carbone Cancer Center Facilities Manager: Kyle Schehr;, 608-265-6819

Parking Options for Event Planners and Caterers for HSLC

The SMPH Dean’s Event Planning office has received permission to park catering vehicles on the sidewalk near the loading dock door that opens into the 1st floor hall way. Parking enforcement at UW Transportation said they have made parking enforcement aware of this arrangement.   Josh Galasso in UW Transportation is the point of contact.

Temporary parking is available for deliveries of catering materials near the first floor hallway door facing the Nielsen Tennis Stadium in lot 74.

Floor Plans

HSLC Floor Plans .pdfs:





Atrium setup

CSC E5 Meeting Rooms

CSC E5 Meeting Rooms Map

CSC E5 682 A and B

CSC E5 682 A and B Floor Plan Map


CSC H4 811

CSC H4 811 Map


CSC G5 Meeting Rooms

A map of the G5 Rooms at CSC


CSC K4 318 

CSC K4 318 Meeting Room


CSC K4 414


CSC K5 406 and 408 and K4 414

K5 406 and 408 and K4 414 Floor Plan map


CSC K6 110

CSC K6 110 Floor Map


CSC K6 360

CSC K6 360 Room Map


CSC K6 450

CSC K6 450 Room Map




Other Frequently Asked Questions and Common Facts about Room Reservations

When can I reserve space in HSLC?

Meeting space in HSLC is based on the academic semester and Timetable courses are given the highest priority.  Until Timetable courses are scheduled and solidified by the Medical Education Office (MEO), HSLC is not open for general booking.  HSLC semester booking template “typically” opens approximately three months prior to the start of the semester. Fall template opens approximately around early June.  Spring template opens approximately around early October.  Summer template opens approximately around early March.

Why am I getting error when trying to make a reservation?

Chances are you are attempting to make a reservation on a template that is not open for booking yet.  Templates are opened by the semester and HSLC is open “approximately” three months prior to the start of the next semester.  Click the “About” button on the template for more information about booking windows.  If you are still having issues, contact the reservations office for support.

There are other meeting spaces I see in my building, but they are not listed in the online system.  Why?

Meeting and conference rooms are often coordinated by the department in the closest vicinity and have chosen to not put the room in the system. Contact the department coordinator nearest that room and inquire directly.

Is there a room where students can meditate or pray? 

3367 HSLC is designated as a meditation/prayer room for students.  It can be reserved using the scheduler at the door.   Another place for quiet contemplation is at the UW Hospital and Clinics chapel.  The chapel is located near the Children’s hospital.  Consults maps at CSC.

Do I need to provide push pins for the poster boards?

Yes.  There may be a few stragglers on the boards, but they are not provided to groups.  Please bring your own and collect them when finished using the boards. 

The meeting room I am in is dirty or has a temperature or lighting issue.  What should I do?

Submit a ticket with the SMPH Buildings Team for attention to be given to it:

Are there Lactation Rooms?

Yes, visit this website for more information:

Questions? Contact the Room Reservations staff: