Zoom is Now a Video Conference Tool on Campus

At the time of this article (October 2020), Zoom is not approved for Protected Health Information (ePHI) use.

SMPH IT supported units are able to use Zoom as another video conferencing tool. To install Zoom on your computer, follow the instructions below.

Windows Instructions – Installing Zoom:

  • On the bottom right hand corner of your SMPH Windows PC, click the up arrow ^ and select the red box with the white “W” from the System Tray. This will launch the IBM BigFix Support Center.

  • Select “Install Zoom Meetings” and then click “Accept” to accept and install.

Note:  It may take a several minutes to install.  Click the Progress tab in the IBM BigFix Support Center window, to watch the installation progress.

You will receive a BigFix completion notification when Zoom is installed.

Important – *After installation completes, Outlook will need to be restarted for the Zoom plugin to show in Outlook.

At this time, exit and restart Microsoft Outlook to see Zoom Plugin.

After restarting Microsoft Outlook, the Zoom Plugin should be available in the Outlook Task Ribbon

Logging into UW-Madison Zoom

When launching Zoom for the first time, you will be presented a Zoom Cloud Meeting login.

  1. Select Sign In with SSO
  2. Verify Company Domain and press Continue
    1. uwmadison.zoom.us

  1. You will then be redirected to login using your NetID credentials.
  2. Enter your NETID and wisc.edu password.
  3. Once logged in, you can use Zoom.


Mac Instructions – Installing Zoom:

  1. In the Menu bar in the top look for the Blue “B” and click on it

*Note if you do not see the icons it could mean that your computer has not offers available.

  1. In the offers tab select Install Zoom Meetings from available software
  2. Then Click Accept
  3. A message should appear when installing and when the action is complete.
  4. Use Sign In with SSO option to authenticate to uwmadison.zoom.us Company Domain.



For more information on UW-Madison Zoom – Getting started –  https://kb.wisc.edu/105271#signin

UW-Madison Zoom 101: Tips and Training: https://it.wisc.edu/learn/guides/uw-madison-zoom-101-tips-training/

Recorded Training Sessions by Zoom: https://iit.med.wisc.edu/communications/uw-madison-zoom/

UW-Madison Zoom – Frequently Asked Questions: https://kb.wisc.edu/105255

Zoom Training Information: https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/edtech/zoom/zoom-training-information/