Canvas is a cloud-based, vendor-hosted learning management system (LMS). Based on positive results from pilot studies and campus feedback, Canvas was adopted as the single, centrally supported UW-Madison LMS in 2016. Canvas is part of the Learn@UW suite of learning technologies provided by campus.
- Easy-to-use, learner-centered, content-focused design
- Core LMS functionality, such as grading, quizzing, calendaring, discussions and more
- SpeedGrader feature allows simple grading with timely feedback options
- Browser-based interface works on multiple devices
- iOS and Android apps for students and instructors
- Frequent feature and tool updates
- Graphic analytics reporting engine
- Robust notifications
- Integrated with Kaltura MediaSpace, Zoom, Piazza, Top Hat, Google Apps and many other external tools
- Holistic integration of learning outcomes, rubrics and grading
- Rich, multimedia feedback options (including text, audio and video commenting in messages, assignments, course discussions, graded work and grade submissions) — without downloading and re-uploading files
- Integration with the university’s Student Information System (SIS) to provide auto-creation of courses and rosters
- Easy access to the Canvas Commons learning object repository to share and collaborate on course content
- High-quality end-user documentation in the Canvas Community
Getting Started
To log in to Canvas, visit
Available To
SMPH Faculty, Staff and Students
Contact EdTech
- 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Monday – Friday - Educational Technology Service Desk Portal