The SMPH Office of Informatics and Information Technology is hiring seven service line directors. Each title below is linked to the appropriate job listing (PVL). Remember that for some positions are grouped together on a PVL. The applications close on Sept. 24.
*These postings are internal and applicants will need to log in to the Internal Jobs board with their NetID to access them; accessing the Internal Jobs board once may be required for the below buttons to work properly.*
- User Support Services
- Infrastructure
- Business Analytics
- Application Development
- Enterprise Application Support
- Education and Training Technology
- Project Management
Applicants are encouraged to apply for all director role(s) that are of interest. The seven titles above are posted across four internal PVLs. Applicants only need to apply to a PVL once to be considered for all positions included in that PVL.
Grouped roles are considered to have the most likelihood of cross-application, as they have the largest overlap in shared experience, skills, and qualifications and hence are likely to be attractive to the same group of applicants.
While PVLs are grouped as an efficient way for applicants to be considered for multiple Director roles that require similar skills without having to apply to separately, applicants are encouraged to apply liberally across PVLs they feel are a good fit.
Applying for a PVL with multiple positions on it also does not mean one must put themselves up for all of them, only that it is an option to do so. Applicants to a PVL with multiple director roles included will be able to note exactly which director role(s) they are interested in during the first interview.
More information about the PVL breakdown and recruitment process can be found in the previous recruitment post.
Questions about the recruitment process can be directed to Kylee Zander:
Other questions can be directed to Jeff Korab: