IITC Project Survey Responses

In collaboration with the Office of Strategic Consulting, the Informatics and Information Technology Collaborative (IITC) project team conducted a survey of informatics and IT staff regarding the IITC. The survey, conducted from 6/16/2023 to 7/5/2023, received a total of 68 responses from staff, resulting in a response rate of approximately 27%.

The project team greatly appreciates everyone who provided feedback via the survey. The survey responses will be used to shape next steps and communications in this process. If you want to provide further feedback based on your responses, send a note using the question form.

The responses to the first five survey questions from this survey are shown below:

Five pi charts in a visual representation of answers to survey questions. That data displayed is: Question 1: Information about IITC Transition • Strongly Disagree: 28% • Somewhat Disagree: 17% • Somewhat Agree: 35% • Strongly Agree: 20% Question 2: Knowing Who to Contact for Questions • Strongly Disagree: 15% • Somewhat Disagree: 2% • Somewhat Agree: 30% • Strongly Agree: 52% Question 3: Effectiveness of Change Communication • Strongly Disagree: 30% • Somewhat Disagree: 9% • Somewhat Agree: 26% • Strongly Agree: 35% Question 4: Timeliness and Relevance of Communications • Strongly Disagree: 24% • Somewhat Disagree: 22% • Somewhat Agree: 26% • Strongly Agree: 28% Question 5: Understanding Changes on July 1, 2023 • Strongly Disagree: 20% • Somewhat Disagree: 13% • Somewhat Agree: 33% • Strongly Agree: 35%

Click image to expand.

All information about the project purpose, plan, and timeline of this project are available on the main IITC page, which is regularly updated with up-to-date communications about the project and milestones. The timelines in particular can be a useful resource. All in-scope staff should also be receiving the IITC newsletter called IITC News on a monthly basis, which includes a recap of recent project updates — if you believe you should be on this list but are not, please use the question form to let us know.

The next set of questions asked on the survey are below:

Two pi charts in a visual representation of answers to survey questions. That data displayed is: Question 7: Support from SMPH IIT Leadership • Strongly Disagree: 28% • Somewhat Disagree: 15% • Somewhat Agree: 22% • Strongly Agree: 35% Question 8: Looking Forward to Being Part of Unified Team • Strongly Disagree: 17% • Somewhat Disagree: 24% • Somewhat Agree: 26% • Strongly Agree: 33%

Click image to expand.

The virtual doors of leaders of the SMPH Office of Informatics and Information Technology are always open. Jeff, Mike, and Jomol are aware and respond to inquiries to the general IITC question form, and can also be contacted directly. They are here and want to hear from you and have any kind of conversation you need. They are committed to supporting you and being part of a transparent and smooth process rooted in collaboration. We strive to keep staff informed and engaged throughout the process and handle this change with transparency and compassion, creating an environment of psychological safety where all feel comfortable engaging and asking questions. Ideas for additional support can be shared via the question form or the leaders directly. Your current supervisor can be another resource for questions.

  • Email Jeff Korab, Senior Director, Information Technology: jeffrey.korab@wisc.edu
  • Email Jomol Mathew, PhD, Associate Dean for Informatics and Information Technology: jomol.mathew@wisc.edu
  • Email Mike Collins, Senior Director, Research Computing: macollins6@wisc.edu

Responses to the final questions on the survey are below:

Two pi charts in a visual representation of answers to survey questions. That data displayed is: Question 6: Alignment of Current Position with Skills • Strongly Disagree: 4% • Somewhat Disagree: 9% • Somewhat Agree: 28% • Strongly Agree: 59% Question 9: Desire for Different IT Role • Strongly Disagree: 33% • Somewhat Disagree: 27% • Somewhat Agree: 27% • Strongly Agree: 13%

Click image to expand.

If you are part of the IITC project and remain unsure about the project’s purpose or are seeking more information, please review the project’s webpage, reach out to your IT lead or Jeff Korab (jeffrey.korab@wisc.edu), or submit a question using the form on the main IITC page. We fully understand how change is difficult and this is an unsettling time for many, but this work will allow us to realize numerous benefits for individual staff, as well as our users and the school’s missions as a whole. A large, thriving community of informatics and IT professionals will allow for more and deeper collaboration, knowledge sharing, and professional development, as well as expanded leadership and management opportunities.