Box size limits – UW Box Quota

What is changing with UW Box:

Beginning June 15, 2020, UW–Madison Box accounts will no longer have unlimited storage. All accounts will be subject to a storage quota.

  • New Box accounts will be provisioned with a 50GB quota.
  • Existing Box accounts currently using less than 40GB of storage will be capped at 50GB.
  • Box accounts with more than 40GB of storage will have a storage cap set based on their June 15, 2020 storage occupancy plus a limited buffer for storage growth.

Most individuals will not see a difference in their experience at this time. Storage quotas will be set automatically and can be viewed via Account Settings in Box. Account holders who are reaching or exceeding the new data limits will be notified by email.

Future considerations

The DoIT service team will continue to engage with teams and individuals most impacted by the Box licensing change as they move storage and workflows away from Box. Additionally, they will monitor and evaluate the storage and collaboration services landscape throughout the remainder of the new Box contract to assess other opportunities as they arise since technology and campus needs are constantly changing.

All records, regardless of format, that are made or received by university employees during their work must be managed throughout its entire lifecycle according to approved records schedules.  DoIT advises staff and faculty to be aware of data retention responsibilities in your department, and to confer with their local IT units and the University Records Officer in preparation for more service changes.

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