August project update for Informatics and IT Collaborative 

In the July Project Update, we looked back at the completion of the first major IITC milestone as all in-scope IT staff transitioned via UDDS codes to officially join the SMPH Office of Informatics and Information Technology. 

August Recap: 

The IITC project team solicited interest in four pilot Knowledge Networks — Application Support, Endpoint Support, System Admin, and Software Development. These Knowledge Networks aim to foster a community of knowledge and innovation, bridging expertise and facilitating cross-functional problem-solving. The team facilitators for the Knowledge Networks have been notified and will participate in a team facilitation training being offered by the UW–Madison Office of Strategic Consulting. 

The project team is also poised to finalize all Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) between departments and SMPH IIT, cementing relationships and responsibilities.

Looking Ahead:

As we enter September, Service Line Director positions will be posted for internal recruitment, training will soon begin for Knowledge Network co-facilitators, and IT staff will begin “Stay Interviews.”

Stay tuned here and look for emails from SMPH IIT for upcoming information on Knowledge Networks, meeting schedules, and expectations.

This fall, all Informatics & Information Technology supervisors will be offering Stay Interviews to their staff. These interviews are brief, employee-focused, structured conversations aimed toward collecting information on experiences, perceptions, and expectations. These interviews are important for supervisors to better understand their employees’ perspectives and goals for their position and the department. Want more information? Use the toolkit –

For more detail on the internal recruitment for Service Line Directors, please watch the recording of the IIT Staff Meeting on August 28. A recording of this meeting has been shared via email. If you aren’t able to access the video or would like to access a full transcript, please fill out the question form with your name and email to request access.

Have questions about the project? Talk to your IT lead, email Jeff, or submit it via the question form.