Apple macOS Updates – Nudge Notification

SMPH IT will be deploying the “Nudge” application to all managed Apple macOS devices. Nudge allows us to easily notify and help ensure macOS users keep their device updated and compliant with SMPH and Campus security guidelines.

Whenever a required macOS update version is released, computers not already up to date will receive a Nudge prompt notification. The Nudge prompt will have a “Days Remaining To Update” listing that will indicate the duration of time left before you can no longer defer the Nudge prompt.

These actions are designed to give our users ample notification and time to perform a restart to avoid work interruption.

After the “Days Remaining To Update” deadline is reached the Nudge prompt will become statically persistent until the required update is completed.

Sometimes the Software Update section will inaccurately indicate that no updates are available. In this scenario, the Nudge will still prompt you to update.  To resolve this, restart your computer and try updating again.

Example of a Nudge prompt:

Image of macOS requires a security update message

Upgrade vs. Update?

Be aware that Upgrading and Updating are two different processes.

  • An Upgrade changes the operating system to a new version.
  • An Update will patch (security & bug fixes) the currently installed operating system.

To check for available updates, click the System Preferences (gearbox icon) in the Dock, or choose Apple menu > System Preferences and select Software Update.

For any questions or concerns regarding macOS updates or Nudge, please contact Desktop Support.